Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mono stands for…

I’m home alone right now, and I feel the need to write about whatever pops into my mind. The first thing…

This mono sucks big time. Not only do i feel lazy as all hell because I have to come home right after school and am not allowed to workout for 3 weeks. Wonderful…It sucks though because its my release and I cant do it. =/ More then that though, im still disappointed about my season overall, but that’s for another day. I guess this just means ill have plenty of time to do some homework and reading that i need to catch up on. Why does life have to suck like this? I dont know either, but all i do know is that Kenny G is amazing, which i am watching a concert of on tv.

Still unsure of a few things right now. I guess i dont know what i want, but im sure that will come in time. All i do know is that an answer has to come at some point, and im eagerly awaiting that answer. While i wait for it though, im finding it quite enjoyable to write my research paper everyday. Its fun to write about why Love is much more than an emotion. Maybe im weird for thinking that, but hey its what i like so oh well. =]


Humbly Yours,

BJ Nelson